Just come along to one of our rehearsals free of charge to say hello and see if it is for you.
Our term dates are on the home page of this web site. You are welcome to join in or sit back and listen for a while and remember, there are no auditions and you don't need to be able to read music.
We meet on Tuesday evenings from 7.45pm to 9.30pm, during term time at St Mary's RC Primary School, Russell Road, SW19 1QL
Get in touch either by email
or our Contact Us page
Wimbledon Community Chorus charges a membership fee to meet our standard running costs. It is not profit making and a summary of spending and receipts is presented by the Treasurer at each AGM. We review our subscription costs annually against expenditure with the aim of keeping our fees as low as possible.
There’s no cost to attend the first session and if you want to join us, enrollment for a term is £45.00 and £22.50 if you join after half term (Concessions available).
If finance is a barrier to participation, please contact us in confidence to ask for assistance. Use the Contact Us page or email the Treasurer: